I decided to do a Part 2 of the arrival and asked Michael to share.
I find it hard to believe that life can change so much in one short day. In the blink of an eye we were given responsibilities that we weren't expecting for a short while longer. The thoughts that went racing through my mind after Twila called me an told me I might be a daddy today were overwhelming. As I loaded my truck an started home I thought to myself, is this really happening? Twila first called me at 10:30 an told me she was being sent to the hospital from her doctor's appointment for an ultrasound because Landry wasn't moving like she was supposed to. That didn't sound good. Luckily, her mom was with her as she went in for her ultrasound. Esther would then call me with updates. The last time she called me she said Twila was being taken to a delivery room. It was time. It killed me not being there to hold Twila's hand or to comfort her. But deep down I knew she would be ok because she is a stronger person than I ever dream of becoming. As I was driving home I received calls from mom and dad. They both assured me that everything was going to be alright. At 1:45 mom called an said that Landry was here, but there had been some complications. Not exactly what I was waiting to hear. She said Landry wasn't breathing an that the cord had been wrapped around her body to where she couldn't move anymore. After hearing that she was finally breathing I knew my little girl was going to be tough like her momma. Then mom told me that a transport team from Akron Children's Hospital was on the way to the hospital to pick up Landry. All I could think was this isn't supposed to happen like this. We had her arrival all planned out. Now they are telling me there could be some serious complications an they aren't sure how long she will have to stay. Again, not what I was waiting to hear. Hearing that made me drive even faster. I finally made it to the hospital at 3:00. As I walked into the maternity ward I saw my mom, sister, and Twila's mom and sisters all gathered around the nursery window. Mom gave me a hug an pointed towards a tiny little girl in the nursery. Then she said, "that is your precious little girl." It broke my heart seeing her lying there all covered in wires an wearing a breathing mask. I thought she's so tiny an precious, why does she have to go through this. The nurse motioned for me to come into the nursery an said I can hold Landry's hand while they work on her. I asked if Twila had seen her already an they said no. But they said that they would take her into Twila's room before transporting her. I stayed an held Landry's hand until a nurse popped her head in the door an said that Twila was wanting to see me. I walked into her room an I didn't know what to say. I was excited that Landry was here but yet so overwhelmed because I didn't know how this was all going to turn out. I couldn't tell Twila it would all be ok because I was wondering that myself. Then the doctor came in an told us a bit more of the condition Landry was in. After hearing that a million questions went through my mind. Will she ever be able to walk. Will she be able to go to school. Will I ever get to do all those things with her that I had planned on. After a couple hours Landry was wheeled in our room an Twila was finally able to touch our little girl. Its seems crazy to me how much love you can have for a tiny little girl that you've only known for a couple of hours. It definitely knocks you back down to size.